Tutorial Notebooks

Getting Started

Wondering how you can get started learning about the LSST software stack, by writing tutorial notebooks and contributing them to the Stack Club’s growing library? Need help getting going on the LSST Science Platform (LSP) JupyterLab? See the index table below for links to various resources, including: notes on the LSP, notebooks to walk you through the Stack Club workflow, and some help on how to explore the Stack code. Click on the “rendered” links to see the notebooks with their outputs.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Notes on Getting Started Some brief notes on the LSST Science Platform JupyterLab set-up. markdown Phil Marshall
Hello World Read about the Stack Club git/GitHub workflow, and make your first contribution to a notebook.

ipynb, rendered

Phil Marshall
Templates A folder containing a template notebook, and a template folder README file, to help you get your project started. link Phil Marshall
Finding Docs Locate the documentation for Stack code objects, including using the stackclub library where_is utility function.

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Phil Marshall
Import Tricks Learn how to use some stackclub library utilities for importing notebooks and remote modules.

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Phil Marshall


This set of tutorial notebooks will help you explore the basic properties of the LSST software Stack data structures, classes and functions. The table contains links to the notebook code, and also to auto-rendered views of the notebooks with their outputs.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Gen-3 Butler Tutorial Demonstrates basic data access and manipulations using the Gen-3 Butler

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Alex Drlica-Wagner
Calexp Guided Tour Shows how to read an exposure object from a data repository, and how to access and display various parts.

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David Shupe
AFW Table Guided Tour Shows how to read and write catalogs using the AFW Table class, and how to access and display various parts.

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Imran Hasan


See the table below for a set of tutorial notebooks (some provided by the Project) demonstrating visualization technologies available in the LSST Science Platform notebook aspect.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Visualizing Images with AFW Display How to access the lsst.afw.display routines, and use the LSST data Butler to access processed image data and inspect it visually.

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Brant Robertson
Firefly Visualization Demo Introduction to the Firefly interactive plotter and image viewer. ipynb, video Simon Krughoff
Interactive Visualization with Bokeh, HoloViews, and Datashader Examples of interactive visualization with the Boken, HoloViews, and Datashader plotting packages available in PyViz suite of data analysis python modules; brushing and linking with large datasets

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Keith Bechtol
Visualizing the LSST Camera Focal Plane Create a labeled visualization of the LSST Camera including amps, detectors, rafts integrated into the full focal plane.

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Alex Drlica-Wagner
Globular Cluster Intro General purpose tutorial including interactive Firefly visualization of a globular cluster from LSST 2018. ipynb Jim Bosch

Image Processing

Here, we explore the image processing routines in the LSST science pipelines. See the index table below for links to the notebook code, and an auto-rendered view of the notebook with outputs.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Brighter-Fatter Correction Analysis of beam simulator images and the brighter-fatter correction.

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Andrew Bradshaw

Source Detection

While source detection in the LSST science pipelines is carried out (first) during the image processing step, there are subsequent detection phases - and, moreover, we are interested in how sources are detected (and how their measured properties depends on that process). See the index table below for links to tutorial notebooks exploring this.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Low Surface Brightness Run source detection, deblending, and measurement tasks; subtract bright sources from an image; convolve image and detect low-surface brightness sources.

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Alex Drlica-Wagner
Footprints Investigate the concept of a footprint: the region of an image used for detecting and measuring source properties.

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Imran Hasan


This folder contains a set of tutorial notebooks exploring the deblending of LSST objects. See the index table below for links to the notebook code, and an auto-rendered view of the notebook with outputs.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Scarlet Tutorial Standalone introduction to the scarlet deblender, including how to configure and run it.

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Fred Moolekamp
Deblending in the Stack Where and how deblending happens in the LSST Science Pipelines.

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Fred Moolekamp


This folder contains a set of tutorial notebooks exploring the Object measurement routines in the LSST science pipelines. See the index table below for links to the notebook code, and an auto-rendered view of the notebook with outputs.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Asteroid Light Curve Find an asteroid from 2015 HiTS data, create postage stamps and generate a light curve. This notebook was used in the Summer 2020 Stack Club Course Session 06.

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Bryce Kalmbach
Undersampled Moments Examine biases introduced by undersampled moments.

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Andrew Bradshaw
Resolved Dwarf Galaxy Explore resolved sources around a nearby dwarf galaxy

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Jeff Carlin


This set of tutorial notebooks explores the validation packages accompanying the LSST software Stack, and also contains some stand-alone notebooks useful for examining various aspects of data quality.

Notebook Short description Links Owner
Image Quality Demo Examples of image shape measurements in the Stack including PSF size and ellipticity, shape measurements with and without PSF corrections; visualizing image quality statistics aggregated with pandas; examining PSF model ellipticity residuals

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Keith Bechtol
Verify Quality Demo Examples use of LSST verify package

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Keith Bechtol