Source code for where_is

[docs]def where_is(object, in_the='source', assuming_its_a=None): """ Print a markdown hyperlink to the source code of `object`. Parameters ---------- object: python object or string The class or function you are looking for, or the name of a python object or file. in_the: string, optional The kind of place you want to look in: `['source', 'repo', 'technotes']` assuming_its_a: string, optional The kind of object you think you have: `['cmdlinetask'], default=None Examples -------- >>> from stackclub import where_is >>> from lsst.daf.persistence import Butler >>> where_is(Butler.get, in_the='source') >>> where_is(Butler, in_the='repo') >>> where_is(Butler, in_the='technotes') >>> where_is("", in_the="source", assuming_its_a="cmdlinetask") Notes ----- See also the `FindingDocs tutorial notebook <>`_ for a working demo. """ # Deal with string object names - useful for locating command line tasks: if isinstance(object, str): objectname = object if in_the == 'source' and assuming_its_a == None: raise ValueError('Cannot locate task/object `'+object+'` in the source by name. Either pass in an object, or use the "assuming_its_a" kwarg to guess what kind of object it is.') if assuming_its_a == "cmdlinetask": modulename = 'lsst.pipe.tasks.'+objectname elif hasattr(object, '__module__') and hasattr(object, '__name__'): # Locate the module that contains the desired object, and break its name into pieces: modulename = object.__module__ objectname = object.__name__ else: raise TypeError('Expecting "string" or "object"') # Form the URL, and a useful markdown representation of it: if in_the == 'source': pieces = str.split(modulename,'.') URL = ''+pieces[0]+'/'+pieces[1]+'_'+pieces[2] \ + '/blob/master/python/'+pieces[0]+'/'+pieces[1]+'/'+pieces[2]+'/'+pieces[3]+'.py' link = '[`'+modulename+'`]('+URL+')' elif in_the == 'repo': URL = ''+objectname+'&type=Code' link = '[searching for `'+objectname+'` in the `lsst` repo]('+URL+')' elif in_the == 'technotes': URL = ''+objectname+'&type=Code' link = '[searching for `'+objectname+'` in the `lsst-dm` technotes]('+URL+')' else: raise ValueError("unrecognized kwarg "+in_the) from IPython.display import display, Markdown display(Markdown(link)) print(link) return